The Real Walking With Dinosaurs

What if they are wrong?

Millions of years ago, when vegitation was lush, creatures were huge, and the earth was a very different place, magnificent creatures, which we call 'dinosaurs' roamed the earth in large numbers. Occasionally, some of them were even carved into little figurines, painted on stone, and even written about in legend and story form. Wait a minute! Stop the tape! Dinosaurs and MAN living at the same time? Surely you must be joking. Once again, I am not.

This section of the Quantum History website will deal with a fascinating possibility. The idea of humans and dinosaurs co-existing, at an earlier stage in human history.

If it is True:

This has far reaching implications for the defenders of Evolution. They consider dinosaurs proof of species that lived, thrived and died out long before humans came into existence. If they were found to be in co-existence with man, it would be a devastating blow to Evolution. Mainly because of it's implications to the "depth=time" interpretation of geologic time. Meaning, the deeper you dig, the older the rocks.

If it is False:

This would have far reaching implications for Creationists. It would mean that the literal interpretation of Genesis, in the Bible is incorrect. God did not create all living things in a period of days, rather He created them over millions of years, and further, it is quite possible, given the obvious mis-statements in the Bible that He was not involved in creation at all.

The Evidence:

Man and Dinosaur Footprints Found Together

Dinosaurs Found Alive!

It is a fact, that a fossil fish, known as the Coelocanth, was so absent from "younger" strata that it was used as an "index fossil". That is to say, if you find one of these, you know where you are in Geologic Time. According to science, they lived between 140 and 70 million years ago. After that they don't appear in the fossil record. For all intents and purposes, they were a "dinosaur". The only problem is, in 1938 they were found to be still alive, off the coast of Madagascar. This story has it's own page. Find out more about "Living Fossils".

Fresh Dinosaur Bones?

Bones of a young duckbilled dinosaur found in Montana (USA) have been viewed under a microscope. The fine structure had been preserved to the extent that cell characteristics could be compared with chicken bone cells. More

Fossilised dinosaur lunch discovered

Stomach contents survived 110 million years?

Red Blood Cells found in Unfossilized T-Rex Bones!

Actual red blood cells in fossil bones from a Tyrannosaurus rex? With traces of the blood protein hemoglobin (which makes blood red and carries oxygen)? It sounds preposterous -- to those who believe that these dinosaur remains are at least 65 million years old.

Mysterious Sightings

All around the world, there have been eyewitness accounts of strange, large sea creatures. Many believe that the ancient Plesiosaur, a giant, long necked sea creature with paddle-like fins, has been spotted in the Loch Ness, and also off of the coast of Australia.

In the Congo, locals talk of Mokele Mbembe, a not often seen large creature who's description resembles a dinosaur. When some of the local people of the Likouala region would draw in the dirt or sand a representation of Mokele-mbembe they drew the shape of a sauropod dinosaur. Sauropods represent the largest kind of dinosaur known on earth. So, you might assume then, that their massive size might influence their name to the locals? You would be right. Mokele-Mbembe literally means "stopper of rivers". Expeditions trying to locate the "African Loch Ness" continue to this day.

Also from the African Congo, come reports of the Kongamato. It was described by locals as "a lizard with wings like a bat." They also communicated that the wingspan of the animal was between four and seven feet, and that it was red, featherless, and toothed. When shown a picture, they identified it as a Pteradactyl. The name "kongomato" means "overwhelmer of boats." Some have argued that it was a rare, and unusually large bat. But others hold that it was perhaps a small surviving population of Pterasaurs.

In Australia, the aboriginal people have described their "Yarru" which mysteriously matches the (Europeans) description of the long extinct Plesiosaur. It is an important fact that Plesiosaur fossils remains are common in the area. Reports of sightings around Australia continue to this day.

And while the likelyhood of turning up a T-Rex in the next week or two are probably pretty remote, don't think we haven't been surprised before! Just recently (Feb. 2001) a species of insect (in the Walking Stick family) was discovered and they are quite possibly the rarest species of insect on the earth today. They have a population estimate of 10! Click here to read the article. And another thing, this walking stick, is more like a walking sausage. It is much larger than the species that exist in greater numbers today.

Cave Paintings

Various depictions of dinosaurs have been found in caves, on pottery and other ancient artifacts. Click the above link for more detail. Here is a website which contains more ancient depictions of Dinosaurs in stone.

Mexico Sculptures

Thousands of ceramic figurines (ca. 800 BC - 200 AD) from Acambaro, Mexico. Hundreds of these figurines are of dinosaurs. A fact that is astounding to any evolutionist would be how anatomically correct many of these sculptures are. For example, the "Iguanadon", originally found and classified by Sir Richard Owen, was depicted as rather fat and oafish. Later depictions show a thinner Iguanadon, who walks about on hind legs with his upper body erect. Scientists have recently modified that picture to show an Iquanadon whose neck and tail are outstretched more horizontal. It's a crazy thing that those ancients happened to mold these creatures in this exact way! You don't suppose... they actually saw one?

Oddly, for the Evolutionist, ancient depictions of Dinosauria are quite common. From artwork at the tombs of ancient Peru, to the rock art by North American Indians.

And what about that term Dragon?

Dragon myths and legends are legion. All over Europe and Asia descriptions, accounts and even relics are common. Is there more to this than mere mythology? Consider the fact that in the Chinese Zodiac, the symbols are all known and recognized animals. All but one... The Dragon! Click for more on the Dragon = Dinosaur connection...

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