Land of Nuhašše by other names

by Damien F. Mackey The name, Kar Nuhašše, or Kar Nuhašša, looks to me suspiciously like the name of the land of uncertain location, Tarḫuntašša, which I have previously identified with Karduniash. For this land, another of ancient history’s many poorly known (“little is known of”) locations, I need to resort to the Wikipedia article, “Nuhašše”, for an approximate area: Nuhašše (kurnu-ḫa-áš-še; kurnu-ḫa-šeki), was a region in northwestern Syria that flourished in the 2nd millennium BC. It was east of the Orontes River bordering Aleppo (northwest) and Qatna (south). It was a petty kingdom or federacy of principalities probably under a high king. Tell Khan Sheykhun has tenatively been identifed as kurnu-ḫa-šeki.[1] Name, borders and society …. The Semitic name "Nuhašše" means "rich, prosperous".[2] Nuhašše stretched from the Euphrates valley in the east to the Orontes valley in the west between Hamath in the south and Aleppo in the north;[3] it did not include Ebla and it was separated from the Euphrates river by Emar and Ashtata.[2] In the west, it reached the Orontes river only if it included the region of Niya which is debated.[2] The main city was named Ugulzat (possibly modern Khan Shaykhun).[4][5] Hittite texts mention the "Kings of Nuhašše", indicating that the region consisted of a number of petty kingdoms that might have formed a confederacy; one of the monarchs took the role of primus inter pares (first among equals),[6] and resided in Ugulzat.[4] …. [End of quote] This proposed location of the land of Nuhašše basically fits with a revised land of Chaldea setting, in NW Syria, as given to it in 2020 by Royce (Richard) Erickson: A PROBLEM IN CHALDAEAN AND ELAMITE GEOGRAPHY (5) A PROBLEM IN CHALDAEAN AND ELAMITE GEOGRAPHY | Royce Erickson - The name, Kar Nuhašše, or Kar Nuhašša, looks to me suspiciously like the name of the land of uncertain location, Tarḫuntašša, which I have previously identified with Karduniash: More uncertain ancient geography: locations Tarḫuntašša and Arzawa (5) More uncertain ancient geography: locations Tarḫuntašša and Arzawa | Damien Mackey - Tar ḫ un t ašš [a] Kar d un i ash Can we now add to this short list, Kar Nuhašša, thus tying up all at once: Tar ḫ un t ašš [a] Kar d un i ash Kar n u h ašš [a] and assigning these names to the region of NW Syria, as constituting a revised Chaldeo-Babylonia?


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