
Showing posts from July, 2024

Bible affirming archaeology

“And so suddenly, we had this archeological evidence that demonstrated the book of Daniel was exactly right on all that”. Titus M. Kennedy Taken from: Archaeology 'Demonstrates the Reliability of the Bible,' Leading Archaeologist Says • Michael FoustCrosswalk Headlines Contributor • UpdatedSep 09, 2022 One of the world's top biblical archaeologists says excavations in and around Israel are affirming the reliability of Scripture and attesting to its truthfulness. Titus M. Kennedy, a professional field archaeologist and the author of two books on the subject – Excavating the Evidence for Jesus and Unearthing the Bible – said this week that archaeology can be "practical for the average Christian." "It's not just for people that are into adventure, it's not just for academics," Kenned

If you don’t have King David, you don’t have a lot of things

“This is Jerusalem, which we know best from the Bible [which] contains within it descriptions of genuine historical reality”. Eilat Mazar Taken from: How Archaeology Affirmed the Historic Stature of a Biblical King Once, the House of David seemed like a folk tale. Now, the rocks testify to its historic significance. Gordon Govier|June 12, 2023 The Bible describes David as a man after God’s heart and a king who reigned for 40 years, firmly establishing the “city of David” and an Israelite kingdom that he passed to his son Solomon (1 Sam. 13:14; 1 Kings 2:10–12). In archaeologists’ minds, the record is not so clear. Some experts, looking at the evidence from excavations across modern-day Israel, have argued that the Bible greatly exaggerated David’s historical significance. Some have gone so far as to suggest David was a myth, a heroic fiction, and a nationali

King Hezekiah made the pool in Jerusalem

“Now two mainstream Israel archaeological experts, Gershon Galil and Eli Shukron, have concluded that the full inscription was: “Hezekiah made the pool in Jerusalem.” The parallel passage is found in 2 Kings 20:20 …”. David Shishkoff Taken from: Bible’s Reliability Further Affirmed as King Hezekiah Inscription Deciphered Israeli archaeology experts cite parallel passage in 2 Kings 20 and a new class of biblical artifacts. By David Shishkoff | Nov 8, 2022 at 6:30 am | Topics: Bible, archaeology …. A broken portion of an engraving on a limestone tablet the size of your palm … is adding yet further confirmation to the biblical account and giving a new twist on how Israel’s kings saw themselves. The partial inscription engraved in ancient Hebrew letters was originally reported in 2008, but was not deciphered until recently. The letters on the inscription are only

Rim Sin of Larsa apparently influenced by Davidic culture

by Damien F. Mackey Where are all the depictions of the long-reigning Rim Sin so-called I? Amongst the kings of Larsa the most important would be considered to be Rim Sin, of which name there were supposedly two (I and II). Rim Sin so-called I is listed amongst the most powerful kings of his time: In Zimri-Lim’s days, one governor estimated that, “No king is truly powerful just on his own: 10 to 15 kings follow Hammurabi of Babylon, as many follow Rim- Sin of Larsa, as many follows Ibal-pi-El of Eshnunna, and as many follows Amut-pi-El of Qatna; but 20 kings follow Yarim-Lim of Yamḫad.” [FMA 82] (The writer took it for granted that Zimri-Lim belonged in that group.) Despite his obvious significance, though, and despite the fact that Rim Sin I of Larsa is considered to have reigned longer than any other king of his region, some 60 years, c. 1822 to 1763 BC (conventional dating), he receives relatively little

The vicissitudinous life of Solomon’s pulchritudinous wife

‘The Queen of the South will rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and will condemn them: for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and look, one greater than Solomon is here’. Luke 11:31 “King Solomon gave the queen of Sheba all she desired and asked for, besides what he had given her out of his royal bounty. Then she left and returned with her retinue to her own country”. I Kings 10:13 Here I attempt to retrace the life-journey and career of this most remarkable of women. Caution: This story involves rape, violence, murder, conspiracies, treason, revolts, and suicide. 1. Her Beginnings “When King David was very old, he could not keep warm even when they put covers over him. So his attendants said to him, ‘Let us look for a young virgin to serve the king and take care of him. She can lie beside him so that our lord the king may keep warm’. Then they searched throughout Israel for a beautiful young woman and found Abishag,