Albright insisted that Balaam was an ‘Edomite sage’
Insights of William Foxwell Albright Part Two (i): Albright insisted that Balaam was an ‘Edomite sage’ by Damien F. Mackey “Balaam was an ancient Edomite sage” . W. F. Albright Interestingly, though, Albright does not proceed on in this article (“T he Home of Balaam”, Jstor, 1915) to connect “Balaam son of Beor” (Numbers 22:5) - as do some commentators - with “ Bela son of Beor”, who “became king of Edom” (Genesis 36:31). James B. Jordan is one who has proposed such a connection, whilst in the same article including the prophet job amongst the list of Edomite kings (“Was Job an Edomite King? (Part 2)”, 2000). Job very much was not! According to my version of the prophet: Job's Life and Times Job was Israelite, not Edomite, and ...