Velikovsky and the Mesopotamians
by Damien F. Mackey Thanks to the efforts of Dr. I. Velikovsky and his historical classic, Ages in Chaos I (1952), and also his fascinating, Oedipus and Akhnaton (1960), the El-Amarna [EA] archive of the influential 18 th dynasty pharaohs, Amenhotep III and IV (Akhnaton), conventionally dated to the mid-C14th BC, would at last find its proper historical locus in the mid-C9th BC. This was no small contribution to our knowledge of ancient history in its relation to the Bible. But Velikovsky encountered a real problem in trying to account for the Mesopotamian rulers. Considering the achievement of Dr. Velikovsky, despite the many flaws that exist in his revision - as becomes clear with the benefit of hindsight - I felt inclined to express indignation, in my article: Distancing Oneself from Velikovsky at such of those more recent revisioni