
Showing posts from September, 2014

Was Sinuhe (our Moses) also Weni?

View into Weni the Elder's burial chamber.   The ‘Egyptian Moses’, Sinuhe , was a high official during the reign of the Twelfth Dynasty pharaoh, Sesostris I, from whom he fled into ‘Adim’ (Edom: Sir Flinders Petrie). Professor Immanuel Anati has recognized this Egyptian story, the famous Tale of Sinuhe , as having “a common matrix” [ Mountain of God , p. 158] with the Exodus account of Moses’ flight from pharaoh to the land of Midian. This is absolutely crucial for a true revision of ancient history – which should then fit the biblical history – because it pinpoints a famous biblical incident to a very specific era of Egyptian history : namely, the end (perhaps by assassination) of the reign of pharaoh Amenemes I, founder of the Twelfth dynasty, and the early reign of Sesostris I. Now, given our alignment of the so-called Egyptian Middle Kingdom’s Twelfth Dynasty with the Egyptian Old Kingdom’s Sixth Dynasty (following Dr. Donovan Courville), then the semi-legendary Sinuh

Extent of the World as Envisaged in the Book of Genesis

Paul H. Seely's Genesis-based estimate of the entire extent of the then - known world, as given below, accords perfectly with my own estimate of it, as I have argued in: The Location of Paradise (Genesis 2:10-2:14) and in: Just How ‘Global’ Was The Great Flood? (Genesis 6-9). Seely writes ( ):   "We should perhaps stop, however, to note just how large the earth was understood to be by the biblical writer. The extent of the earth in the understanding of the biblical writer is given in Gen 10. The northern boundary is marked by the peoples around the Black Sea (Gen 10:2; Ezek 38:6). The southern boundary is marked by peoples living in the extreme south of the Arabian peninsula (Gen 10:7: cf. Matt 12:42)