The search for Sodom and Gomorrah: Scientists drill beneath Dead Sea seeking priceless data
By Batsheva Sobelman Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on print Share on email More Sharing Services 4 Rock samples underwater for eons are likely to be better preserved, researchers say. Expectations are high that the lowest place on Earth can answer questions --- on climate change and other key matters | EAD SEA — (MCT) If you thought you couldn't get any lower than the Dead Sea, think again. You can go under it. Scientists here are drilling 1,640 feet beneath the bottom of the Dead Sea, to a depth of more than 2,600 feet below sea level. Rock samples that have been underwater for eons are likely to be better preserved, they say, than samples taken from under an exposed surface, which can be damaged by aridity and erosion. As a result, the Dead Sea bore hole is expected to contain priceless information about the planet's past and to offer insight on its future. Expecta...