
Showing posts from 2009

Every Major Nation has a Flood Legend

Flood Legends – Massive Coincidence or Distorted History? You’ve heard of Noah and the ark, but did you know that similar tales are told the world over? Is this just a coincidence, or is it something more? By Earl Hunsinger To many the account of Noah’s ark is simply a child’s story, a fairy tale told at bedtime. They don’t actively argue against the truthfulness of the account, but they’re skeptical, or embarrassed to admit that they secretly wonder if it might be true. Others are openly hostile toward any discussion of the subject, simply because the account is contained in the Bible. They feel that we live in an age of enlightenment, where science has replaced religion and anything even remotely connected with it. Briefly, the account as stated in the Bible says that God warned the man Noah that he was going to bring a flood to the earth. Noah constructed a large vessel, or ark, to save his family and representatives of all the animal species. The ark had a single door, wh...

"Missing Link" Still Missing

Is there really evidence that man descended from apes? M any people honestly believe that the ancestry of mankind has been mapped faithfully and nearly completely. They have heard about “missing links,” and regard them as scientific proof for man's evolution from primates. However, in truth, no ancestor for man has ever been documented. The “missing links” are still missing. Here is a summary of facts relating to some of the most well known fossil discoveries. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis (Neandertal man) - 150 years ago Neandertal reconstructions were stooped and very much like an 'ape-man'. It is now admitted that the supposedly stooped posture was due to disease and that Neandertal is just a variation of the human kind. Ramapithecus - once widely regarded as the ancestor of humans, it has now been realized that it is merely an extinct type of orangutan (an ape). Eoanthropus (Piltdown man) - a hoax based on a human skull cap and an orangutan's ja...

'Ardi' Hardly Shapes Up

Ardipithecus again Photo: Suwa, et al., Science 326 (5949), 2 October 2009, DOI: 10.1126/science.1175825. Ardipithecus ramidus skull. It seems that the latest round of papers published represent painstaking efforts to establish its anatomical parameters as precisely as possible. But such a heavily fragmented, incomplete skull, for example, leaves a lot of room for speculation and interpreter bias. Its brain volume was estimated to be even smaller than that of a chimp. A recycled ape-man by Carl Wieland Published: 5 October 2009(GMT+10) The papers and news sites are full of claims about what some still think is a “new” candidate for an evolutionary ancestor of humans. Called Ardipithecus ramidus (often just “Ardi”), most of the articles actually explain that it’s really a detailed reanalysis of a fossil category that’s been around for years, but still the phones run hot with concerned creationists or gloating skeptics. Perhaps this is not surprising, given the journalistic temptati...

Jerusalem Was Once Under the Ocean

Taken from "Diggings" (December 1994, Vol. 10, No. 12), "Why Hezekiah's Tunnel Has the Bends" (p.5): A geologist may have the answer Now an Israeli geologist, Dan Gill, has done some research on the matter and has come up with some very plausible explanations. Dan identifies two types of rock in the tunnel area -- limestone and dolomite. The former is fairly soft and porous, the latter comparatiively hard. It is rather interesting that this limestone consists of about 30% fragments of fossil shells and some coral, which means that Jerusalem, which is now about 700 metres above sea level, must have been beneath the ocean at some time in the past . ....

Noah and the Great Genesis Flood

by Damien F. Mackey I. Introductory Section For a long time my view of Noah’s Flood was shaped by books like The Genesis Flood, that classic by Whitcomb and Morris, and other like-minded writings on the subject. When the full implications of these writings hit me - of our terrestrial globe being entirely overflown by water, with a massive boat astride it all keeping safe the last eight humans, plus pairs of every known species of animal - I was like a man in a daze: overwhelmed. What an incredible image! Nothing in human experience seemed comparable to it. Later also I became intensely interested in the search for Noah’s Ark, and was quite convinced that a boat-shaped object that had been found on so-called ‘Mount Ararat’ or Agri Dagh (AÄŸri DaÄŸi) in (south) eastern Turkey was indeed Noah’s Ark. In those days I was often in touch with one of the key Ark-eologists (as they have been called), Dr. Allen Roberts, who was then making news with his visits to the Agri Dagh site and his colourf...