
Maccabees and Crusaders are substantially identical

“Modern authors tend to accept as an axiom that in the twelfth century, there existed a strong identification between crusaders and the Maccabean warriors. Penny Cole wrote, for example, that “in all essential ways the struggles of the Maccabees against the persecutor Antiochus . . . and by association, of the crusaders against Muslim infidel, are substantially identical”. Elizabeth Lapina See also Damien F. Mackey’s related article: Maccabees may aptly be compared with Crusaders (4) Maccabees may aptly be compared with Crusaders | Damien Mackey - Elizabeth Lapina has written most intriguingly on this subject in her article: “Maccabees and the Battle of Antioch (1098)” (4) “Maccabees and the Battle of Antioch (1098)” | Elizabeth Lapina - …. It is unclear what exactly the crusaders and medieval chroniclers of the Crusades knew about the importance of Antioch within the cult of the Jewish martyrs in Late Antiquity. When describing the city,

Abram (Abraham), Egypt, the Four Kings

by Damien F. Mackey Abraham was the first of the Hebrew patriarchs and a figure highly revered by the three great monotheistic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. His name contains the “Father” element both in its original short form, Abram (אַבְרָם), “Exalted Father”, and after the Lord had changed it, to Abraham (אַבְרָהָם), “Father of many nations”, as explained in Genesis 17:4-5: ‘Behold, I make my covenant with thee, and thou shalt be a Father of many nations. Neither shall thy name anymore be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham …’. Abram came from Ur of the Chaldees. This was not the Ur in southern (Iraq) Mesopotamia, but Ur (or Urfa) near Haran (the Ebla tablets tell of “Ur in Haran”), not far from where Noah’s Ark had landed on the mountain Karaca Dağ. Pope Francis actually went to Ur in Iraq in 2021, as John Paul II had intended to do: “But the head of the Cathol

Martyrdom of the prophet Zechariah son of Berechiah

by Damien F. Mackey ‘And so upon you will come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the Temple and the altar’. Matthew 23:35 Could he be the same as Zechariah son of Jehoiada? Since Zechariah, son of the high priest Jehoiada, was a holy prophet murdered in the Temple court in Jerusalem at the command of king Joash of Judah, who is the same as Uzziah: Early prophet Zechariah may forge a link with Joash, Uzziah of Judah (DOC) Early prophet Zechariah may forge a link with Joash, Uzziah of Judah | Damien Mackey - then he is a prime candidate for the holy man to whom Jesus Christ will refer in Matthew 23:35 and Luke 11:51 (who, however, omits any reference to “Berechiah”). It is hard to shake off the idea that Jesus must be referring to this Zechariah whom “they plotted against … and by order of the king they stoned him to death in the courtyard of

Location of the Temple built by King Solomon

“Can you imagine the upheaval in political and religious thinking if the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is not the site of Solomon's [Temple]? And what if the stones of the Wailing Wall are not what tradition says?” Temple: Amazing New Discoveries That Change Everything about the Location of Solomon's Temple Paperback – April 30, 2014 by Robert Cornuke Dr (Author) ________________________________________ In a book that is being heralded as "an investigative masterpiece" with "astounding archaeological and prophetic implications," TEMPLE: Amazing New Discoveries That Change Everything About the Location of Solomon's Temple, by Robert Cornuke, is sending shockwaves through the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian worlds. Can you imagine the upheaval in political and religious thinking if the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is not the site of Solomon's [Temple]? And what if the stones of the Wailing Wall are not what tradition says? In this highly-researche

King Jehoiakim cancelled out from Matthew’s Genealogy?

by Damien F. Mackey Why are several significant kings of Judah apparently missing from Matthew’s list of Davidic kings (1:6-11)? I have broached this subject once before. On that occasion, I was prepared to defer to a reasonable view that – [somewhat like with the cancel culture of today] – certain kings were deemed by St. Matthew to have been unworthy of their generation, and hence got cancelled out by the wise Evangelist. Apparently (and this is the operative word) missing are the following names when compared with a fuller list of Judaean kings in 1 Chronicles 3:9-17: AHAZIAH JOASH AMAZIAH …. JEHOIAKIM Four kings of Judah apparently missing from Matthew’s list. But what, then, about two other kings of Judah, Jehoahaz and Zedekiah, who get left right out of the conversation? Suggestions as to why omissions may be the case have not really been convincing. For instance: - An argument that these names were omitted because they were unworthy kings falls flat when,

Prophet Zechariah casts his mind back to the earthquake during the reign of king Uzziah

by Damien F. Mackey “Yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah”. Zechariah 14:5 The writings of the prophet Zechariah are conventionally dated to c. 520-518 BC. King Uzziah of Judah’s reign is thought to have terminated with his death in c. 740 BC. That would mean that Zechariah was retrospecting back over 200 years. A long time. It is as if someone today would refer back to the Battle of Waterloo (1815) as a reference point disaster for our own era. Neither we, nor the narrator, would have had first-hand experience of that distant event. Amos and Zechariah in the News! 13 Aug 2021 Editorial Evidence found for past and future biblically prophesied earthquakes Last week, there were surprising headlines in UK media which spoke of corroborating biblical facts, with the Daily Mail writing of the “Evidence of a 2,800-year-ol

Has Egypt’s Eighteenth Dynasty succession, Thutmose to Amenhotep, been duplicated?

by Damien F. Mackey What makes me wonder even more in the case of Eighteenth Dynasty repetitions is that Thutmose III and IV, as well as bearing the same nomen (Thutmose, “Born of the god Thoth”), also had the same praenomen, Menkheperre (“Lasting are the Manifestations of Re”). As well as that ‘they’ shared the Horus name, Kanakht. THUTMOSE III, IV Having a double set of the pharaonic combination: Thutmose – Amenhotep, in the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt: TUTHMOSIS III AMENHOTEP II TUTHMOSIS IV AMENHOTEP III inevitably makes me wonder if, as in the case of Egypt’s Old-Middle Kingdoms, some duplications may have occurred, thereby unwarrantedly extending the already lengthy dynastic history of ancient Egypt. I have greatly streamlined those Old-Middle Kingdom dynasties in earlier articles, wherein there occur such repetitive combinations as: Pepi – Merenre (so-called Sixth Dynasty) and Amenemhet – Sesostris (so-called Twelfth Dynasty). What makes me wonder eve